Author: Philipp Hansmann

R. A. Ortiz, H. Menke, D. T. Mantadakis, F. Misják, K. Fürsich, E. Schierle, G. Christiani, G. Logvenov, U. Kaiser, B. Keimer, P. Hansmann, E. Benckiser The recent observation of superconductivity in Sr-doped infinite-layer NdNiO2 thin films has attracted a lot of attention, since this compound is ...

Category: Allgemein

H. Guo, Z. W. Li, C. F. Chang, Z. Hu, C.-Y. Kuo, T. G. Perring, W. Schmidt, A. Piovano, K. Schmalzl, H. C. Walker, H. J. Lin, C. T. Chen, S. Blanco-Canosa, J. Schlappa, C. Schüßler-Langeheine, P. Hansmann, D. I. Khomskii, L. H. Tjeng, A. C. Komarek We have successfully grown centimeter-sized layere...

Category: Allgemein

Employing advanced methods in quantum many-body theory in 2018 we predicted chiral d-wave superconductivity in correlated ad-atom lattices on the Si(111) surface (X. Cao et al.). Now, two years later,  experimentalists in Tennessee have found superconductivity in hole doped Sn:Si(111) (X. Wu et al.)...

Category: Allgemein

Real-space cluster dynamical mean-field theory: Center focused extrapolation on the one- and two particle level Marcel Klett, Nils Wentzell, Thomas Schäfer, Fedor Simkovic IV, Olivier Parcollet, Sabine Andergassen, Philipp Hansmann We revisit the cellular dynamical mean-field theory (CDMFT) for ...

Category: publication

Excitonic Magnetism at the intersection of Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field splitting Teresa Feldmaier, Pascal Strobel, Michael Schmid, Philipp Hansmann, Maria Daghofer Excitonic magnetism involving superpositions of singlet and triplet states is expected to arise for two holes in strongly ...

Category: publication